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The Healing Powers of Food

Enzymes and Probiotics
Enzymes and Probiotics

Enzymes and Probiotics

Enzymes :Proteolytic enzymes help you digest the proteins in food. Although your body produces these enzymes in the pancreas, certain foods also contain proteolytic enzymes. Papaya and pineapple are two of the richest plant sources, as attested by their traditional use as natural "tenderizers" for meat. Papain and bromelain are the respective names for the proteolytic enzymes found in these fruits. The enzymes made in your body are called trypsin and chymotrypsin. The primary use of proteolytic enzymes is as a digestive aid for people who have trouble digesting proteins. However, proteolytic enzymes also appear to reduce pain and inflammation, which has made them popular in Europe as a treatment for sports injuries and as an aid in recovery from surgery. Many practitioners of alternative medicine believe that proteolytic enzymes can be helpful for food allergies and autoimmunediseases.

Examples : Bromelain, Papain, Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Pancreatin & Digestive Enzymes.

Probiotics : Beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, are called probiotics. Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function , and increase resistance to infection. Individuals with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria are better equipped to fight the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

Examples : Acidophilus and bifidobacteria maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds-such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid-that increase the acidity of the intestine and inhibit the reproduction of many harmful bacteria. Probiotic bacteria also produce substances called bacteriocins, which act as natural antibiotics to kill undesirable microorganisms. One probiotic, Saccharomyces boulardii, has prevented diarrhea in several human trials. 12 Double blind research studying critically ill patients found this strain of yeast to prevent diarrhea when 500 mg is taken four times per day.

Friendly bacteria

We humans have about 100 Trillion bacteria in the gut, optimally, 85% the good bacteria [ friendly ] & 15% harmful ones.

They co-exist in this ratio to form a sustainable inner ecology and reflect good health physically and mentally enable our magnificent body to have the self-healing power...

Yet recent 20th & 21st century have gradually reversed that.

In current US, the gut bacteria ratio is just the opposite inverse: 15% good bacteria & 85 % bad ones. This is a major fundamental shift, along with other distortions [ fat...]

The extreme lack of good bacteria seriously compromises digestive systems, the immune system and the whole delicate integration of the human machine..... leading to endless chronic, degenerative and autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of an imbalance of bacteria in the intestinal tract:

Gas, Bloating and Indigestion
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Diarrhea and/or Constipation
Skin problems such as Acne, Eczema & Psoriasis
Bad Breath and Body Odor
Delayed development in children
Candida Yeast Infections
High Cholesterol Levels
Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
Frequent Colds and Flu
Weight problems

Just to name a few...and the new symptoms keep coming...

Needless to say, the immediate cause of the inverse gut bacteria ratio and the subsequent symptoms: the denatured foods we consume daily, enzymes and friendly bacteria are destroyed by pasteurization & food processing, along with high sugars foods and refined starch...

Compounded by other toxic factors; Top 4................

1) Modern processed lifestyle: work in the fast lane, lack of exercise and sunshine, quality of sleep...
2) Medication and health supplements promoted by the billion dollars industry
3) Enviromental pollution; air & water...
4) Mind: stress and fear, past traumas, suppressed emotion...


The big scare... a hype continuously portrayed by the mass media...

Salmonella, like other bacteria, is part of our natural and necessary inner ecology. They are absolutely everywhere in the body (as well as in the outside environment).

Its function: to dissolve our body toxicity, break down the damaging cells and then helps to eliminate them out of the body. Indeed they are our gracious garbage men.

In fact, for over 2 decades, without much public fanfares and awareness...
Bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli are whats being used in the medical labs to create virus, to cure degenerative dis-eases such as dissolving brain tumors, cancer...
With the disguise of fancy names on the virus, the injection cost thousands of dollars as it's proved to be the miracle drug.

Go figure...
The bacteria we can easily & safely cultivate in our kitchen in the form of cultured foods etc. are marketed as high science and charged a ridiculous price by drug companies.
And then...there's always botox which is simply another protein bacteria...

Just like everything in life too much of a good thing is not better, when the bacteria is allowed to grow in abnormal high count it becomes toxic and harmful.

Normally...when foods in a natural state and contains a high bacteria count, always produces putrid odor. This odor is Nature’s way to signal us, repel us and keep us away from danger.

Always. salmonella food poisoning is the result of consumption of abnormally high bacteria count.

Salmonella food poison ONLY comes from cooked / heated foods which deceivingly covers up the putrid odor & subsequently cannot be detected by humans, for instance, the meat when heated, esp. the defrosted and packaged version, grows up to 50 times higher in bacteria at this stage, it's toxic and fatal (affect on the body depends on the person's immune system).







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